What is the WIOA Youth Program?
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) designed a youth employment program to serve eligible youth between the ages of 14-24. The Youth programs focus on helping teenagers and young adults to connect or reconnect to educational programs and also provides growth opportunities for youth to pursue occupational or soft skills training that will lead them into self-sufficiency.
To be eligible for youth programs and services, the applicant must:
Be a resident of Burke, Columbia, Glascock, Hancock, Jefferson, Jenkins, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, Taliaferro, Warren, Washington and Wilkes Counties;
Be between the ages of 14-24;
and have ONE or more qualifying needs for service:
Be in foster care or be an emancipated youth;
Be experiencing homelessness or have run away from home;
Have dropped out of high school and do not have a GED/diploma equivalent;
Be a pregnant or parenting youth;
Be involved in the justice system;
Have a documented disability;
or be in need of additional assistance (income contingent).
Depending on your eligibility, there are several different pathways that we offer to help you build your career! Click the options below for some general information.
Will vary between 1-5 days
Participant may receive a stipend (not equivalent to an hourly wage) after completion
Gives participants opportunity to connect knowledge with experience
Models professional behaviors and allows for in-depth career exploration
Up to 480 hours (not to exceed 40 hours per week)
Provide educational and occupational experiences
Opportunity to develop workplace skills
A career pathway where employers will pay participants to train and work;
Work-based learning while obtaining a recognized credential;
Participants will work under a Master tradesman in a registered business;
and is a great opportunity to grow a professional network.
Length may vary
Participants will be matched with employers that match their career goals and education
Gives participant career experience before going into career full time
Employer may be eligible for reimbursement of 50% of the trainee's wage during OJT training period;
Employer must be in operation in Georgia for at least 6 months;
Employer must be hiring for full-time positions;
and the trainee must be trained and treated as a general employee.