There are so many different ways that you can partner with us.  Check some of the options below!

We are always looking for local businesses or individuals to support the workforce in the CSRA.  This can be through offering mentorship, hosting interns, becoming a Worksite Employer, hosting work readiness workshops, sponsoring events, and more!  Email us at for more information!

Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) is designed to improve the skills of employees and the competitiveness of an employer by offering support with the costs associated with upskilling the employer’s workforce with the support of a Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA). The training will allow employers to retain and promote effective employees or to avert layoffs. 

On-the-Job Training (OJT) refers to the training offered by an employer in the public, private non-profit, or private sector to a compensated participant of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) while they are actively performing tasks in a role that: imparts knowledge or skills necessary for the effective and complete execution of the job, includes reimbursement to the employer for the participant's wage rate, and is restricted in duration to align with the specific occupation.