Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is WIOA?

WIOA stands for Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act, and it is a federally funded program that provides participants with the resources that they need to reach their education and employment goals. Click over to our home page and then to the "About WIOA" page to learn more! 

Who does WIOA serve?

-Out-of-School Youth (age 16-24 that are not in school);

-In-School Youth (ages 16-21 & actively enrolled in school);

-Adults (low income or receiving public assistance);

-Dislocated Workers (with letter of separation); and

-Veterans (active, retired, or discharged).

What kind of careers are currently in demand?

Currently, jobs like certified nursing assistant, accounting, construction, CDL truck drivers, law enforcement, teachers, and many other career are expected to have significant growth in coming years, all requiring different amounts of education or training.

Are there limitations to who is eligible to participate?

You must live in Burke, Columbia, Glascock, Hancock, Jefferson, Jenkins, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, Taliaferro, Warren, Washington and Wilkes Counties, then meet income and barrier qualifications.

What if I do not live in one of those counties?

There is a WorkSource Georgia organization for every county in Georgia.  If you cannot find them, we can send you in the right direction!

What does this cost?

Our service is NO COST to you, but the additional costs of courses and trainings will vary on a case-to-case basis.

What if I need a ride or childcare in order to participate?

Let us know!  We may be able to assist you with this, or may be able to help you to find other resources.

What if I don't know what I want to do?

Complete the O*Net My Next Move assessment, or visit!  

Both are linked on our website under the Resources tab!

Why would I apply?

Our education, employment, and work experience assistance can be the first step towards your education and employment goals! We can help to guide you, and provide assistance with things like writing resumes, applying to jobs, and finding your path to your career field!

What will you initially need from me?

When you contact us, please be prepared to provide us with:

-a copy of your social security card;

-a copy of your state ID card;

-a copy of your birth certificate;

-proof of residency;

-and income verification (for 6 months prior to application date).